Dragon Age 2 glitch gives cheaters unlimited XP and money

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Cheaters are finding ways to exploit glitches in the game "Dragon Age 2" for unlimited XP and money. Recently, it has been discovered that entering certain codes into the game's console will give players an infinite amount of XP and money to use. This is certainly a disadvantage to other players who don't use cheats for Dragon Age 2, as it puts them at a huge disadvantage.
cheats for dragon age 2
dragon age origins unlimited money

The glitch was found when players noticed that entering certain codes into the game's console gave them an infinite amount of XP and money. The codes used were not specifically designed for cheating, but instead were already built into the game. Exploiting these codes gives players an unfair advantage over other players, and can lead to them progressing further and faster than they would be able to without using the cheat.

As with all cheating methods, developers of Dragon Age 2 have been quick to respond to the problem. They have released a patch that prevents players from exploiting the cheat, and have also implemented tougher measures to make sure that players don't get away with using the cheat again. However, some players are still finding ways around the patch and are continuing to use the cheat to gain an unfair advantage.

The cheat is similar to that which was used in Dragon Age Origins, where players could use codes to get unlimited money. This allowed players to buy items and weapons that weren't normally available in the game, giving them a huge edge over other players. As in Dragon Age 2, developers quickly took action to prevent players from being able to exploit this cheat, but some players managed to continue to use it until the issue was fully resolved.

Cheating in video games is never a good thing, as it ruins the experience for other players. In some cases, it can even lead to bans for those caught using cheats, so it's best to avoid them if possible. While there are some benefits to the cheat in Dragon Age 2, such as being able to progress faster, it should be avoided at all costs. If a player is caught using the cheat, they can face serious consequences.

If you're looking for an edge in Dragon Age 2, then you should look elsewhere. There are plenty of legitimate ways to progress faster through the game, such as grinding and completing quests. These methods are far more reliable and won't put you at risk of getting banned or facing other repercussions. It's important to remember that cheaters rarely win in the end, so it's best to avoid using cheats for Dragon Age 2.

Last updated: 2023-08-07

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Dragon Age 2 glitch gives cheaters unlimited XP and money
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